Use only Colours that are defined in Structure-Function Set

To select a Structure-Function for copying or painting press

<CTRL_A> and selects the desired function.

Columns in Structure Level

Use for Repeat's in the Knitting-Program and to define the format of the technical Pattern;

(The definition Area is on left side from column 1 to 50)

||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||>32-Reserve left Stitch
||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||>31-Reserve right Stitch
||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||>30-Reserve System for transfer
||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||>29- Transfer-both-direction in one system with rack
||||||||| |||||||||||||||||| [.] : Allowed
||||||||| |||||||||||||||||| [c] : not allowed
||||||||| |||||||||||||||||>28- Transfer-both-direction in one system no rack
||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| [.] : Allowed
||||||||| ||||||||||||||||| [c]: not allowed
||||||||| ||||||||||||||||>27- [a] don't execute knitting elements
||||||||| |||||||||||||||| ;
||||||||| |||||||||||||||>26-Define Rackkorrectiontable [a..d] = ,K1;..,K4;
||||||||| ||||||||||||||>25-Define Rackpostion for complete Phase [a..d];
||||||||| |||||||||||||>24-Define Rackdirection for complete Phase [<,>];
||||||||| ||||||||||||>23-Takedown only for Transfer-courses of the phase
||||||||| |||||||||||| Use colours from Take-Down-parameters
||||||||| |||||||||||| [.] Looks in column 22
||||||||| |||||||||||| [a]..[t] Take-down
||||||||| |||||||||||>22-Takedown for all courses of the phase
||||||||| ||||||||||| Use colours from Take-Down-parameters
||||||||| ||||||||||| [a],[.] have the same takedown
||||||||| ||||||||||| [v] controlled by shape
||||||||| ||||||||||>21-Speed
||||||||| |||||||||| Use colours from machine-parameters
||||||||| |||||||||| [a],[.] have the same speed
||||||||| |||||||||>20-Speed during transfer elements
||||||||| ||||||||>19-Transfer one by one if Rack <> 0
||||||||| |||||||| [3]..[9] Smallest Needle group for 1x1
||||||||| |||||||>18-Transfer one by one if Rack = 0
||||||||| ||||||| [3]..[9] Smallest Needle group for 1x1
||||||||| ||||||> [a], transfers fix every time
||||||||| |||||>16-Kicking of Yarn feeder when stitch length is changing
||||||||| ||||| Inside the knitting-area
||||||||| ||||| [.] : Not allowed
||||||||| ||||| [a] : allowed
||||||||| ||||>15-Kicking of more then one Yarn feeders in the same system
||||||||| |||| [.] : Allowed
||||||||| |||| [a] : not allowed
||||||||| |||>14-Ignore SAVE-REST-Element
||||||||| ||| [.],[a]: execute only SAVE-Elements
||||||||| ||| [b] : execute SAVE-a. REST-Elements
||||||||| ||| [c] : ignore SAVE-elements-Elements
||||||||| ||>13-YC.Movement of transfer-elements
||||||||| || [.],[a]: -Transfers are made overall Intarsia-areas.
||||||||| || All Yarn feeders, which are on positions where
||||||||| || Transfer needles are working, will be
||||||||| || Moved to the border between the Intarsia-fields
||||||||| || [c] : -Transfers are made inside Intarsia-areas
||||||||| || During the Intarsia areas will be knitted
||||||||| |>12-Knitting and transfer selection in one technical Pattern-line allowed
||||||||| | [.] : Not allowed
||||||||| | [a] : allowed
||||||||| >11-Compress-Technology of technical pattern
||||||||| [a]=0, [b]=1, [c]=2, [d]=3, [e]=4,
||||||||| [f]=5, [g]=6, [h]=7, [i]=8, [j]=9;
||||||||>9-While using repeating-counter in column 7
|||||||| Define counter: [a]= first [b]= second
|||||||>8-Link modules into one module;
||||||| - Repeating are allowed
||||||>7-To give a module a repeating-counter: [i] or [j];
|||||>6-Size of repeating inside the module;
||||>5-Definition the height of Module;
|||>4-Showing all by system founded Modules;
||>3-The first Element uses a new carriage
|| [b]: counted by the system
|| [c]: forced by user
|| [N]: forced by user and generate a new
|| Needle development (only for MC6XX, MC2XX and MC7XX)
|>2- Repeating areas which use the same pattern lines are shown
| With colour [a];
| [c] these areas are not used in the script-control-program
| (Responsibility by user)
>1-Shows the repeating-sequence

(The definition Area is on right side from column 1 to 21)

..................... Line 2
..................... Line 1
||||||||||||| > [a] = Set Piece counter
||||||||||||> [a] = No presser for transfer
|||||||||||> [a] = No presser for knitting elements
||||||||||> [a] = Yarn IN takes it from Gripper.
|||||||||| [c] = Yarn OUT put it to Gripper.
|||||||||> [a] = open 2. Gripper on right side
||||||||| [c] = close 2. Gripper on right side
||||||||> [a] = open 1. Gripper on right side
|||||||| [c] = close 1. Gripper on right side
|||||||> [a] = open 2. Gripper on left side
||||||| [c] = close 2. Gripper on left side
||||||> [a] = open 1. Gripper on left side
|||||| [c] = close 1. Gripper on left side
|||||> [a] = Cutter Automatic
||||| [b] = Cutter left and right
||||| [l] = Cutter left
||||| [r] = Cutter right
||||> [a] = Comb up
|||> [a] = Stitch presser always on
||| [c] = Stitch presser always off
||> [a] = DSCS =ON ( second time =on means off )
|| [b] = DSCS =LR block for DSCS-adjustment
|> [a] = Sub. Roll = ON
| [c] = Sub. Roll = OFF
> [a] = Main Takedown = ON